Hi, I'm Mo' Bello 🧔🏾
A Software Engineer

Muslim | Coder | Grinner | Writer

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About me

Allow me to reintroduce myself...

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I'm a Fullstack Software Engineer with a keen interest in clean, test-driven and maintainable code. Technical writer actively blogging on hashnode.

I built Ultra Wars, a javascript space shooter game (You should really check it out). Also built LinkMeUp, a telegram bot that connects people based on their common interests.

Currently upskilling at a tremendous pace at Microverse, a world class school for software developers around the world.

Apart from Software dev, I am a Video Editor and sometimes, a Poet/Lyricist. You can find me spitting bars here and here! I have also started active jogging and it's going well than I thought. My current best record is 3.15 miles (5km) in 36 minutes. In a parallel universe, I am a very popular footballer with over 250 career goals and a huge fanbase (please, don't laugh!). Lastly, I'm a GRINNER!

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Stuffs I built...

I always sort all my works into 4 categories. They are: Contract, Social Good, Personal, Open Source. You'll find each project attached with it's corresponding tag.

Ultra Wars


The Ultra wars game is a shooter game that requires the player to kill as many enemy battleships as possible. Also, the player will need to avoid collision with enemy ships and laser to avoid being killed. The more enemies you kill, the higher you rank on the leaderboard.

Javascript Phaser 3 Webpack Netlify
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The LinkMeUp bot is a mini social networking system built ontop of the Telegram Bot api. It helps people connect with other private users who actively shares their current interests. A user asks the bot to search for another user who shares the similar sets of interests with them and if the bot finds a match, it instantly automatically exchange their chat links/usernames.

Ruby Telegram Bot Api ActiveRecord Sinatra PostgreSQL Heroku
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The Royal


The Royal Nigeria is an online gift card trading platform. I designed and built all functionalities for this project. I also leveraged the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) to protect users' sensitive data.

Php Laravel Materialize CSS Bootstrap Javascript Live Chat
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Soccer Info

Open Source

A micro-blogging platform for users who want to air their opinion on a wide range of footballing topics. All articles are grouped under categories and readers can upvote this articles. There is a featured article section on the homepage for the article with the most upvotes. Articles are grouped into selected categories and there is also a feature called Top Writer, a spotlight on the Writer with the highest number of upvotes across their articles.

Ruby on Rails CSS Bootstrap Cloudinary API Shrine Heroku
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Open Source

A frontend app for fetching weather reports around the world.

CSS Bootstrap Javascript Webpack 5 OpenweatherMap Api
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The best place to find and reach me is on twitter @mo_bello19, really. But if you'll like to reach me via other means, feel free to contact me at the email address or the social media handles below.

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